Home > FLUKE JIG RIG hi/lo
fluke hi/lo jig rigs. Awesome action and superior results for jumbo fluke.
Tied on Hi-seas Quattro camo leader.
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HI/LO Fluke Rig II HI/LO Fluke Rig II

Our all new Pillhead Designed Jig rigs are on our own custom and modified molds. We build these right --designed for Jumbo fluking in Nantucket, Montauk, Block Island or anywhere your searching for a cooler full of keepers.
3/8 oz jig heads with 6/0 Mustad Ultrapoint Hooks
Pink Shine Glow

Our Price: $7.99
HI/LO Fluke Rig II HI/LO Fluke Rig II

Our all new Pillhead Designed Jig rigs are on our own custom and modified molds. We build these right --designed for Jumbo fluking in Nantucket, Montauk, Block Island or anywhere your searching for a cooler full of keepers.
3/8 oz jig heads with 6/0 Mustad Ultrapoint Hooks

Our Price: $7.99
HI/LO Fluke Rig II HI/LO Fluke Rig II

Our all new Pillhead Designed Jig rigs are on our own custom and modified molds. We build these right --designed for Jumbo fluking in Nantucket, Montauk, Block Island or anywhere your searching for a cooler full of keepers.
3/8 oz jig heads with 6/0 Mustad Ultrapoint Hooks

Our Price: $7.99
JigrigHi/Lo JigrigHi/Lo

Our newest Hi/lo jigrig %/0 Mustad ultrapoint hook and hand-tied in-house.
Super bright in-house produced glow
Blue Shine

Our Price: $7.99