Home > Manic Hi/Lo rigs
Our own Custom Molded Jig line . Tied Hi/Lo on 30 Lb Hi seas Mono leaser
two 1/4 oz. jigs with 6/0 super sickle Hooks.
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Manic Hi/Lo Rigs
Manic Hi/Lo Rigs

Our own custom designed jig heads tied on 30 lb Hi Seas Quattro Cama Leader!
!/4 oz. jigheads poured on 6/0 super sickle hooks! all colors ARESuperglow!

Our Price: $9.99
Manic Hi/Lo Rigs
Manic Hi/Lo Rigs

Our all new custom Designed Molds producing awesome Jigheads with plenty of barb to grab and hold Gulp! 1/4 oz. poured on 6/0 super sickle hooks! all colors are Super Glow
Glow white

Our Price: $9.99
Manic Hi/Lo Rigs
Manic Hi/Lo Rigs

Our all new custom Designed Molds producing awesome Jigheads with plenty of barb to grab and hold Gulp! 1/4 oz. poured on 6/0 super sickle hooks! all colors are Super Glow
Glow Berry Shine

Our Price: $9.99
Manic Hi/Lo Rigs
Manic Hi/Lo Rigs

Our all new custom Designed Molds producing awesome Jigheads with plenty of barb to grab and hold Gulp! 1/4 oz. poured on 6/0 super sickle hooks! all colors are Super Glow
Glow Blue Shine

Our Price: $9.99